
Get Organized Worksheet

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Get Organized Worksheet


This is a pdf file worksheet designed to be downloaded and filled in on a computer or can be printed as a hardcopy working document from your own printer.

Don't know where to start in getting organized? 

This worksheet will help you:

  • Identify what being organized looks like to you; (Order to you may not be the same as what it looked like to your mother or grandmother in their homes.)
  • Identify why you want to be more organized at this time; (Why now?)
  • Confront the reasons that have held you back from being organized;
  • Develop a strategy to overcome the obstacles you've identified;
  • Reveal the areas of your life that need better organization;
  • Focus on the one area/task where you can start;
  • Tools you can use to help you get and stay organized;
  • Plan the steps you need to take in order to become organized; and
  • Create a plan to stay organized after you become organized.

The worksheet also includes 3 Actionable Steps to kickstart your progress.

Next is a 5-Step Progress Report review to help you recognize your efforts so you can enjoy the process without shame or blame. You will be able to bring to the forefront:

  • Steps you have accomplished
  • Setbacks you have encountered
  • How you overcame them (or are working to overcome them)
  • You are now better able to stay organized because... and
  • How you feel now that your life is more organized than before.
Finally, I listed related resources you may be interested in reading to assist you on your quest to "Get Organized."

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Do you need to declutter your home and get organized but feel totally overwhelmed when you think about the task? If so, the Get Organized Worksheet is for you!

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7 pages
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